How Digital Health Technology Shapes Oncology Care?

Healthcare Business Review
2 min readDec 30, 2020


Telemedicine assists rural patients to attach with medical professionals using live audio and video, in order that they can handle their medical needs without the need to travel long distances.

FREMONT, CA: New healthcare technology advances to vary the way healthcare providers and facilities believe chronic disease management, including cancer. Cancer continues to be the foremost common chronic conditions across the planet .

Fortunately, wearable medical devices and telemedicine can help organizations decrease the amount of cancer-related deaths per annum by boosting the probabilities of early detection, enhancing cancer treatment methods, and strengthening patient access to worry . Below is how technology is transforming oncology care.

Increasing Access to worry

Patients with cancer in rural locations remain underserved when it involves getting adequate medical aid . Most of those patients live distant from cancer treatment facilities, forcing them to travel long distances and safe transportation to receive the care they require. a couple of cancer patients even hold treatment thanks to the burden of receiving care. Rural patients may additionally miss preventive medical appointments like breast exams and other cancer screenings, postponing treatment, and diminishing their chances of survival.

Telemedicine assists rural patients to attach with medical professionals using live audio and video, in order that they can handle their medical needs without the need to travel long distances.

Digital technology and health-based applications also can send these patients reminders and alerts concerning cancer treatment and preventive medical appointments in order that they don’t lag on their healthcare requirements.

Expanding the medical history with Wearable Technology

Care providers also are beginning to found out wearable medical devices like wristbands, smartwatches, and other equipment, as how of learning more about their patients and therefore the efficiency of their cancer treatment. These devices automatically gather valuable patient data, like sleeping patterns, pulse , daily exercise, and other information which may help the treatment process. Cancer patients also can make use of digital tools like live audio or video, and online forums to report any modifications to their health.

Organizations can then use this data to make an entire picture of their patients, including how they’re responding to treatment in real-time. they will also employ these digital tools to interface with patients during the treatment process, evaluating their needs and concerns, answering queries, and offering detailed instructions for supervising any symptoms.

